Big Disclaimer: This blog is meant to provide an insight into the devious minds that collectively make up the Sheffield Fems. While all contributors must adhere to the comments policy, their writing is their own, their opinions are their own, and neither their writing nor their opinions should be taken to be representative of the Fems as a whole.

Alex can’t really remember how she ended up using the name harmfulbat for most things interweb based, apart from it was a long time ago and it stuck. Only semi nocturnal, and never known to suck blood, Alex actually likes shoes, angry girl folk music and shouting at stupid things on the TV. She can mostly be found sending out emails on behalf of fems and ocasionally blogging, normally when she is more angry then normal. She is also an Open University Student and is often heard to talk in song lyrics.

Rebecca is clumsykisses in the virtual world. You can read about her in her first post on the Fems blog, here. An excerpt:

“I am a fat acceptance activist, I am an LGBT activist, I am a feminist. I am a fangirl for music and flail frequently over people in music. I like indie, punk, emo, Celtic punk, rock ‘n’ roll, twee indie, strong songwriters. I see more gigs than is actually healthy. JD plays in a (Sheffield based) band, but he’s a web programmer during the day.

I can be found blogging somewhat normally here at and I can be found writing about nail polish (yes really) here.”

Roflingmedusa doesn’t have a real name. She will write a biography at some point.

Thefems is not even a real person. The name exists to make it clear when a post is the collective voice of the Fems, not just one person. This is used most often when minutes are posted.

Rachel is an old contributor and the original founder of the website. She no longer posts or has any input into the content of the site. She can now be found at her personal blog, A Second Thought, or as a contributor on Teaspoon Of Sugar, a blog full of happy feminism.