Just Quickly

Reclaim The Night is on in London on November 22nd. We’re looking at having at least a few of the Sheffield Fems go down together, and of course, anybody who wants to come along is more than welcome. It’s been a great evening in the past, not only because of the exhilaration involved in scaring the Met police, but also because the speakers who appear after the march are always interesting.

Sexism and Education

Due to a little confusion in the ranks, no one person had prepared any one thing to talk about. However, we soldiered on regardless, and had a more general discussion instead, which was nice.

A few points we talked about follow (condensed for the sake of brevity):

  • Do teachers favour male students?
  • Is it harder for girls/women to talk once the boys/ men start conversations?
  • The gender of lectures/ teachers might contribute to the way in which any discussion develops
  • Germaine Greer has spoken of always taken the first question/ comment from women when she speaks, since she believes that this encourages a more even rate of participation between the genders
  • Feminism often isn’t taught, and especially is not taught explicity, unless a teacher can ‘slip’ it in
  • It sometimes seems that Feminism isn’t considered a real topic
  • It can be a real effort to be the one always talking about gender/ feminist issues